On the mobile phone you get an ATM reference. Then you just have to pay and get the Citizen Card renewed without having to wait hours in lines. This is one of the measures of iSimplex 2019, the program that intends to reduce some bureaucracy and that will be presented this Friday, July 5, by the Ministry of the Presidency and Administrative Modernization. The chaos in the renewal of the document has been constant in recent months, which will lead to the strengthening of branches all over the country as of next week, as was explained this Wednesday, July 3. It is not yet known when the new measure that will facilitate renewal comes into force. According to the newspaper "Expresso", it will only be applied in cases where it is not necessary to collect biometric data. This program has 118 other solutions. Enter them is the application for driving license on time. You can access the document on the day you request it and for an additional fee. The immigrant's one stop shop, electronic legal aid and simplification of banking portability are other measures that will be announced. source: https://nit.pt/out-of-town/back-in-town/vai-facil-renovar-cartao-cidadao-sem-ter-esperar-filas